I grew up here
Me and brother
A piece of finnish summer and a small piece of finnish gas station
After almost a week on the road I am back in Finland.
My sunburn I got at stryno is already gone.
I can't really explain how it feels to be back. The big news since I left:
we got a new pizzeria, one of my friends broke up with her boyfriend and nordea changed location to the other side of the street. So actually not that much. It's like always have been.
India feels far away from the slow countryside rhytm of this place. But I'm preparing with reading. I've decided I should read a lot about India before we leave. More for the pleasure of daydreaming away than for the facts, but anyway.
Selvtak Simone for the time we spent together on Stryno. Det var virkeligt dejligt at ses.
It feels like we're going to be a good team.